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An Exclusive Guide To Teenage Modelling

Teen modelling can be the exciting start to a life-long career, a way to build confidence, and a great way to start earning money and savings from a young age.

In this exclusive guide, we’ll talk you through the ins and outs of being a teen model. You’ll soon know whether modelling could be a great option for you (or your child), and how you can start your career as a teen model today.

What Is Teenage Modelling?

Anyone who undertakes professional work as a model between the ages of 13 and 17 is, officially, a teen model. Child models are younger than 13, and if you’re over 18, you’re considered to be an adult.

Teenage models are used to advertise a wide range of services and products, including top fashion brands, high street stores, educational material and even food services and products. Teen models appear in TV commercials, on billboards, websites and global advertising campaigns – the possibilities are endless!

Being a teen model could be a great way of testing out whether you would be interested in a modelling career when you’re older, or simply a fun way of earning a bit of income to help save for your future. It can be fun, help you to build confidence and gain experience in the world of work.

Pros Of Teen Modelling

There are many advantages to being a teenage model, which makes it an incredibly exciting opportunity for many young people and parents. These include:

  • Gaining exposure to the competitive world and the world of work.
  • Building your confidence and self-esteem.
  • Earning money.
  • Laying foundations for a successful modelling career.
  • Growing contacts at advertising companies, increasing your chances of landing large campaigns.

Cons Of Teen Modelling

Although modelling can be a fun and exciting job opportunity for many teenagers, there are a few challenges that teen models can face. These include:

  • Coping with stress and pressure. This can be due to having to manage your studies alongside any modelling contracts or taking on too much work.
  • Keeping up with school work alongside teen modelling assignments.

How to get into Modelling As A Teenager

The easiest way (but by no means most common) to get into modelling as a teen is to get scouted by a leading modelling agency. Alternatively, applying to a modelling agency is a very popular route to becoming a model, for both adults and teenagers.

In order to apply to a modelling agency, you’ll need to have a good portfolio of photos. It’s important to prioritise getting some professional photos, including fashion photography, from an individual or agency.

Once you’ve had these done, you can fill out a simple online form. Modelling agencies usually provide a lot of fantastic opportunities for commercial models, should you be successful when applying.

Requirements For Young Teen Models

To be a successful teen model, you’ll need to be confident, determined and prepared to work hard. You should feel free and fully secure in front of the camera, and happy to take new experiences in your stride.

As well as this, young models will need to be prepared to work hard and make sacrifices, should they be serious about a career in modelling. Cast calls may require both you and your legal guardian to make long, time-consuming journeys across the country, which could involve missing school and social engagements.

Nevertheless, education is extremely important, and all teenage models should prioritise school work and exams, which could involve spending long hours catching up on any missed work.

Laws/Safety For Aspiring Models

As a young model, safety is your top priority. Young teen models should be aware of all laws and safety considerations, in order for modelling to be a stress-free experience. Here are some top tips to help you stay safe:

  1. Make sure you have a guardian present at every job and casting call. Every model under the age of 18 is legally required to have a guardian present at all jobs and castings.
  2. Read the contract fully. Whether that’s a contract with a modelling agency or a brand that want to work with you, you need to make sure you fully understand what the agreement is asking of you. Ask an adult for help if you’re confused!
  3. Do your research. There are always a huge number of reviews of all reputable agencies online – check them out!

Teen Modelling Income Potential

It can be hard to predict exactly how much you could earn as a young model, but there are a few criteria that can impact your earning potential:

  • Experience – those with a large portfolio are likely to be paid more.
  • Signed vs freelance – while those with an agency will get more exposure, freelance models keep 100% of what they earn.
  • The type of modelling you specialise in – commercial modelling offers more opportunities, but high fashion pays more.

Agency Work Or Self-Employed?

If you sign up to work for an agency, you could find getting modelling jobs a lot easier. Agencies will work with clients on your behalf to help find jobs and will help you to get more exposure and build a portfolio. However, they will take a cut of any payments as reimbursement for their services.

As a self-employed model, you will need to search for jobs and clients alone. It can be hard without any contacts at ad agencies or commercial companies to get jobs in this way, however, if you’re already well established, this could be a good route for you. As a freelance model, you will get to keep 100% of your earnings and get to negotiate your own prices.


How much does a teenage model make?

Being a model as a teenager can be a great way to earn income from a young age, and can be a financially rewarding career.

Your exact earnings will be based on a number of criteria, such as the type of job, your experience, and your agency fees.

Is the modelling industry safe for teenagers?

Generally speaking, the modelling world is a very safe place for children, teenagers and adults alike.

Make sure that a guardian attends all jobs and casting calls with you, and that they support you through the process.
